dimanche 21 novembre 2010

Beautiful Landmark

On a foggy day,

on a beautiful sunny day,

or in the evening...

there's just something about this bridge.
It's eye catching, mysterious and inspiring.

I could stare at it for hours.

samedi 20 novembre 2010

Endless streets

In my "what i love list" about San Francisco, I would have to put the long endless streets. Most of them come across a hill which doesn't make them seem so endless... but still I love riding the bus or driving on them, going from one neighborhood to another, seeing the styles change from one STOP to another.

Van Ness, Fillmore, Divisadero, Hyde, Mission, 19th ave, Market, Noriega, Geary...

jeudi 30 septembre 2010

Let's hit the road !

Welcome to Berkeley !

Of course, the campus is beautiful !!
It's not that big but the buildings are nothing like SKEMA or SFSU !

It's all about the color !

mercredi 29 septembre 2010

SF Chinese Moon Festival

Initially the plan was to go to Chinatown and see the Dragon Dance... woohoo
Well by the time we got to the festival, there was no such thing !

Instead we walked around Chinatown, wondering what the hell could possibly be in those boxes that everyone was buying as if they were going out of style ! Honestly, i style don't know... but i think it was tea ! What a surprise !

Anyway, after standing in line for half an hour, we got to taste the famous Moon Cakes...
and luckily those chinese signs we pointed to turned out the be almond flavor !


Walking around the Botanical Garden

Jumped on the bus, got off somewhere else...
i don't really know where !

Then i walked through the Golden Gate Park
and found the Botanical Garden...

there were so many cool flowers !!

mercredi 15 septembre 2010

Trying to be a San Franciscain

* read a book / iPad on the bus
* carry a backpack
* always have something to drink in your hand/backpack
* say things like "how exhilarating ! "
* always have a sweater in your purse
* go to cafés to check your mail even though you actually have Wifi at home
* love dogs (?) and pick up their poop

I do some of these things...

vendredi 20 août 2010

Back on Track !

Alors... où commencer ?
Lundi 2 Août 2010 - Après 24h de voyage je suis arrivée à San Francisco, épuisée sans trop me rendre compte que ca y est, j'y étais.. pour de vrai !

Mardi matin, hop ! en direction de Willows pour passer quelques jours en famille !

Willows never changes... there's just something about it that is always the same. It feels nice, it feels familiar... Well, until I realize one thing has changed, Vavi locks her door now !

Samedi 14 Août -
YES ! I got back to San Francisco... Just in time to prepare for orientation week and start looking for a place to live ! Let's just say I spent a few hours being a little, hmm..., panicked ! I know San Francisco has many bridges I could have lived under... but you know...

Lundi 16 Août -
We like it, we love it... it's perfect !
I love connections, I love that someone just had the perfect appartment available for us !
A sunny, safe, lively neighborhood, close to public transportation, a clean, furnished, 2 bedroom appartment... a deck, a garden ! Loving it already !

My friend, her boyfriend and I are moving in tomorrow ! Don't worry I'll take pictures !

This week was also orientation week at San Francisco State !
Over 400 international students came to this city just like me... So many people excited about being here... I love it !

There are a lot of Germans, a lot of blond people actually wherever the come from and a lot of French people.. well and a lot of Asian people too... There just a lot of all kinds of people !
One guy is blind ! I just can't imagine going to study abroad, having everything be completely new to me, and be blind ! Now that is an adventure !

Well I'll tell you more about the school another day...
I'm getting tired and tomorrow is a big day =)