Alors... où commencer ?
Lundi 2 Août 2010 - Après 24h de voyage je suis arrivée à San Francisco, épuisée sans trop me rendre compte que ca y est, j'y étais.. pour de vrai !
Mardi matin, hop ! en direction de Willows pour passer quelques jours en famille !
Willows never changes... there's just something about it that is always the same. It feels nice, it feels familiar... Well, until I realize one thing has changed, Vavi locks her door now !

Samedi 14 Août -YES ! I got back to San Francisco... Just in time to prepare for orientation week and start looking for a place to live ! Let's just say I spent a few hours being a little, hmm..., panicked ! I know San Francisco has many bridges I could have lived under... but you know...
Lundi 16 Août -We like it, we love it... it's perfect !
I love connections, I love that someone just had the perfect appartment available for us !
A sunny, safe, lively neighborhood, close to public transportation, a clean, furnished, 2 bedroom appartment... a deck, a garden ! Loving it already !
My friend, her boyfriend and I are moving in tomorrow ! Don't worry I'll take pictures !
This week was also orientation week at San Francisco State !
Over 400 international students came to this city just like me... So many people excited about being here... I love it !

There are a lot of Germans, a lot of blond people actually wherever the come from and a lot of French people.. well and a lot of Asian people too... There just a lot of all kinds of people !
One guy is blind ! I just can't imagine going to study abroad, having everything be completely new to me, and be blind ! Now that is an adventure !
Well I'll tell you more about the school another day...
I'm getting tired and tomorrow is a big day =)